On Monday, October 14, PEFM’s Michaelmas term seminar series got off to
a flying start with an extremely interesting presentation by Professor Sir John
Vickers, Warden of All Souls College and former Chairman of the Independent
Commission on Banking (ICB). Professor
Vickers summarized and explained some of the key findings of the ICB (which
were published in September 2011), elements of which have since been incorporated
into the Financial Service (Banking Reform) Bill currently progressing through
Parliament, and outlined the features of ongoing deliberations. While his
presentation can be followed on PEFM’s forthcoming Podcast of the seminar, what
follows is an attempt to extract the essence of his message.
The findings of the ICB started from the fundamental presumption
(shared by most policy-makers and academic experts) that the financial services
provided by retail (as opposed to investment) banking are so essential for the
operation of an advanced economy that a collapse of the retail banking system
is something that policymakers must avoid at all costs. These essential
services include facilitating payments, taking deposits (providing a store of
wealth), and supplying credit. Because of the risk of contagion, there is a
strong case, according to Professor Vickers, for guaranteeing most if not all
deposits, whether themselves small or large, or located in banks small or large
(which de facto applied during the current global financial crisis almost
everywhere except Cyprus). While an implicit or explicit guarantee – a subsidy which
is not costless to provide (as the huge build-up of government debt during the
crisis has proven) - may raise social welfare when confined to retail banks, it
can be problematic if retail and investment banking are combined. This is
because investment banking – which may add value to the economy but is not
essential – is inherently more risky than retail banking. The extension of the
official guarantee to investment banking that results from the combination can
both encourage excessive risk taking in investment banking and contaminate the
balance sheets of the all-important retail banks. For this reason, the ICB
recommended “ring-fencing” retail banking from investment banking – choking off
all possible channels of contamination from the latter to the former while not
precluding joint ownership. The ICB did not go as far as to argue for a full
Glass-Steagall style separation, preferring to allow a market solution to
ownership in the context of ring-fencing. There was a close analogy with the US
requirement for groups to hold retail banking activities in a separate
affiliate. The Parliamentary Committee
on Banking Standards, which convened after the ICB, has recommended
“electrifying” this fence—reserving powers to force separation if needed.
Strengthening the structure of banking is only part of the solution,
however, as ring-fenced retail banking would still involve risk, if less so than
investment banking. Retail banks thereby need adequate “loss-absorbing” buffers
to reduce the risk of bank failure (i.e., asset values falling below deposit
liabilities) to an acceptable minimum. For this reason, banks must hold
capital. But how much? It is instructive to consider the level of capital that
banks in the USA and UK relied on during the late nineteenth century, where
equity to asset ratios were observed in the range of 10-25 percent. There is no
evidence that capital ratios this high impaired economic growth during this
period (as some have argued would happen if such ratios were reimposed). By the
last two decades of the 20th Century, however, with banks leveraging their
equity by a factor of 20 times, this capital ratio had fallen to around 5
percent, falling to as low as half that in the build-up to the crisis in 2008
when median leverage approached 50 times. Clearly, it didn’t need much asset
impairment to tip the system into insolvency. Professor Vickers commended the
intentions of the Basle III accord to raise the required ratio of equity to
risk-weighted assets to 7.5 percent, or 9.5 percent for globally systemic
important banks (GSIBs), and an (unweighted) leverage maximum of 33 percent.
But he felt that this did not go far enough. The ICB recommended that the ratio
should be 10 percent with a leverage maximum of 25 percent. The ICB also
recommended that ways be found to more effectively “bail-in” bank bond
financing, so that this is treated more like equity (and thereby subject to potential
loss) than like bank deposits. Professor Vickers would have preferred even
tougher requirements but he recognized that the choice had to reflect the
constraints imposed by the need to (i) avoid forcing banks to increase capital ratios
too much during a recession (thereby risking reduced lending and perpetuating
the recession), and (ii) avoid creating perverse incentives for regulatory
arbitrage (either between banks and non-banks or geographically).
This summary does not do justice to the many and complex subjects that
Professor Vickers discussed, including the parallel initiatives that are being
developed elsewhere in the world. But I hope it gives a flavour of the some of
the fundamental issues that Professor Vickers (with the ICB) grappled with, as well
as those which are the subject of continuing debate. His presentation provoked
many interesting and wide-ranging questions from the audience, including
whether there would be in practice any difference between bullet-proof
ring-fencing and Glass-Steagall, whether the world would be safer with banks
being 100 percent equity financed (a-la-Kotlikoff), whether criminal liability
could be strengthened to help avert improper risk-taking, whether there should
be limits to remuneration, and why bankers were paid so much anyway. Questions
will always outnumber answers on the subject of banking reform, which as one
member of the audience implied, will go on forever, albeit in phases.
Hopefully, we will converge toward a solution of this current phase in the not too
distant future, allowing the world to learn from one of the gravest financial
crises in history, and so move on.
A very interesting feature was Sir John Vickers' perspective on substantially strengthening the regulatory framework while paying due regard to the competitive position of London in global business. The EU's Liikanen report has a strong family resemblance to the IBC recommendations, with the twist of allowing retail banks to do underwriting. But it is not yet clear what the EU will do with Liikanen...