Chair: David Vines, Balliol College, Oxford
In this PEFM seminar, Paul Gretton tackled
one of the thorniest questions plaguing trade policy today –the implications of
the shift from a multilateral system to a proliferation of bilateral and
regional trade agreements (BTAs and RTAs). As global action through the Doha
round has stalled and trade growth has significantly slowed down, countries
have sought other instruments to advance trade liberalization. By far the most
common approach has been to rely on preferential agreements, either of
‘hub-and-spoke’ nature such as the EU, or on a bilateral basis.
However, such preferential deals that
liberalize trade between participants but not externally have created a
phenomenon known as a ‘noodle bowl’ of agreements. Their proliferation has led
to complexity through associated rafts of regulations necessary to enforce them
and has eroded productivity by diverting trade from lowest cost suppliers.
Thus, such BTAs and RTAs are increasingly viewed not as a stepping-stone to a
global agreement, but as impeding trade liberalization.
Within this context, Mr. Gretton’s talk assessed the possibilities to disentangle this ‘noodle bowl’. Such strategies range from harmonization and simplification through rules about precedence, accession clauses for new members, and more liberal rules of origin, to the simplest approach of liberalizing by removing tariffs and border measures that are the cause for the regulations in the first place.
For his economic modelling, Mr. Gretton
relies on a global general equilibrium framework (GTAP model) with a longer-run
perspective. It is a comparative static approach, but allows for regional
capital to vary while labor and land are assumed to be fixed. His database
covers 32 economies, including nearly all Regional Cooperation and Economic
Participation agreements in Asia (RCEPs), potential TPP and TTIP members, and
G20 countries, as well as data across 57 industries.
The key message from his results is that
open regionalism and MFN strategies dominate preferential agreements on the path
to global liberalization. In such open regionalism scenarios, countries get
together and decide, as a group, to set tariffs to zero on a MFN basis, i.e.
with all countries. It is partners with highest domestic tariffs and large
trade exposure that have most to gain, such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Korea. In
these cases, MFN open regionalism adds more trade on top of the benefits that
come with access as part of a PTA such as TPP.
After this intriguing finding, Mr. Gretton
moved to discuss the growing body of evidence on the costs of rules of origin
that are essential to preferential agreements. Such costs can be variable but
have been estimated to reach up to 25% of product value and fall heaviest on
SMEs with lower accountant capacity. They can also reduce intermediate-good
inputs from non-members, which can lead to trade diversion and even negative
trade if such diversion occurs from fast-growing regions. Mr. Gretton finds
that liberalizing rules of origin might not offer significant benefits, but if
it does, then it is because the original agreement offers little in the first
He then goes on to assess the benefits of
two alternative trade liberalization approaches – accession of economies
outside PTAs to a preferential agreement and unilateral liberalization. The
former suggests that the main benefits would accrue to the accession economy,
with only very modest flow-on impacts, as ultimately the purpose it to divert
trade from somebody outside the PTA. In contrast, unilateral liberalization
seems to offer most of the benefits of global trade reform. This represents a
scenario where G20 economies remove their own tariffs, thus taking care of the ‘noodle
bowl’ problem. The results of the model indicate that in most cases individual
action will take countries most of the way towards the benefits expected in a
global liberalization scenario.
Before closing, Mr. Gretton discussed some
implications from his findings. In terms of labour market consequences, he
points out the ‘noodle bowl’ of regulations lowers household income by
constraining potential output. Yet, to reap the real wage gains from
liberalization, countries require flexible labor and capital markets and
policies that support transition of labor through retraining and social
measures. In relation to non-tariff measures, he points out that nearly all
gains would accrue from domestic productivity. Therefore, matters that can be
addressed domestically should not be delayed just to retain bargaining
advantage for preferential negotiations. Finally, where matters require
cooperation, provisions that are non-discriminatory in terms of national
treatment such as MFN should be adopted.
In summary, Mr. Gretton’s quantitative
analysis illustrates the case for trade openness and addresses the case of the
‘noodle bowl’ of preferences. He finds that transition strategies focused on
piecemeal improvements through preferential frameworks are likely to be slow
and productivity retarding. Instead, strategies based on concerted unilateral
or open regional frameworks have much more to offer, even if they are also more
politically controversial. Therefore, even though the GTAP model can be
improved, particularly by adding dynamic components, he concludes that quantitative
evaluations that examine the full range of options and their comprehensive
effects on the economy can be a powerful tool in identifying the key policy
measures to achieve the largest possible gains from trade.
Ivaylo Iaydjiev (St Antony’s College,
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